Whether a guardianship protects one who can no longer manage their health care and/or finances, has special needs, or is a minor with assets in excess of $15,000.00, Sloto & Diamond assists guardians through a cumbersome set of legal requirements. We help guardians secure court-approval to take actions that satisfy the ward’s personal, health care, and education needs; preserve and prolong guardianship assets; prepare and file annual guardianship plans and accountings; and create trusts and make gifts to satisfy advisable tax and estate planning strategies.
Our professionals understand that seeking a guardianship for an alleged incapacitated person is a serious undertaking, where the need to protect one’s person or property must outweigh the imposition on that person’s freedom. We are frequently exposed to conflicts that arise in incapacity proceedings. Our goal is to resolve these disputes and, where possible, explore less restrictive alternatives to imposing a guardian. When required, we represent petitioners and alleged incapacitated persons in contested incapacity proceedings and related appeals.
Further examples of guardianship representation by Sloto & Diamond include:
- Petitions to Determine Incapacity
- Contested Incapacity and Restoration Proceedings in Guardianship cases
- Preparation of Annual Plans and Accountings
- Court audits
- Tax Returns
- Court approval of estate planning and tax savings measures
- Restoration and Removal proceedings